Older Toddlers Childcare

in Haltom City

Benefits and curriculum for Older Toddlers Program

We provide healthy breakfast , Lunch , dinner and snacks with enrollment.

Childcare Services for Older Toddlers


Age is 2-3 Years for Preschool program.

We start potty training at 18-19 months.

We have a graduation ceremony at age of two for those who are potty trained.

Childcare Services for Older Toddlers

Our goal

Our goal is to have all two-year old children potty trained by May of that same year.

Safety and Environment

  • Our Kids are Kindergaten ready
  • Educate, motivate and inspire
  • Our teaching goes and in hand with parenting
Childcare Services for Older Toddlers

Our Goals

  • Teach Spanish
  • Safe, Clean environment
  • Providing healthy, nutritional meals
  • Your family is our family
  • We are not a franchise